RO-13-201 got way more than she bargained for so she has tracked down the Director. She thought she was going to get help, but the PROJECT has bigger plans for her yet. I've included a censored+non-censored version since those are fun. Enjoy.


I heard a knock on my door and let the young redhead in. RO-13-201 was tall, matching my height of 6’ 9”. In her headshot she looked defiant, strong willed, but this woman I was met was very skittish. 

She wore baggy clothing that hid her body well, but her ‘new addition’ was impossible to miss. Caught between her thigh and the straining cargo pants, I pressed my palm to my face. Had she walked through the entire lobby with a full erection? I’m going to need to chastise her for not being more discreet. 

‘I’m sorry about the informal setting, but our closest facility is an Arizona so we’ll do the exam here.’

‘Thank you, I-I didn’t know what to do. So-‘

‘It’s fine.’ It wasn’t, I was actually pretty annoyed as I was meeting Corporate in less than an hour. I was Director now, I don’t have time for meeting the lab rats.

’Have a seat on the bed.’ I pointed, and took a seat across from her beside my laptop which was sitting on an adjacent table.

Once she was comfortable I checked that my webcam was functioning properly with a test recording and proceeded.

‘Alright were good. The webcam here will record our meeting and upload it to PROJECT:MATRIARCH’s cloud. I’m very busy, but my Staff will be able to review this later.’

‘Please I-I can’t sleep, I can’t eat. I can’t stand it.’

‘How’d you find out about me by the way? Director identities are kept secret because of the nature of our work.’

‘My case manager, George, he said you’d want to see this, I mean me.’

Now I was interested. George was one of our best field workers, he wouldn’t dare throw work on my plate unless he knew it would impress me. She continued speaking.

‘I have these thoughts, dark urges that I can’t manage.’

‘This is completely natural for women who take the serum, you knew the risk.’

‘You don’t understand, I’m not in control of my life anymore!’

As if on que, RO-13-201’s 7 inch pole bucked violently against cargo pants and she let out a yelp.

‘Did you just..?’

A red glow overtook her face and that was all the confirmation I needed.

‘I’m going to need you to strip to see exactly what is going on.’

She took off everything but her cargo pants. Her bloated member made it impossible to pull her pants straight down, so she began wiggling slowly. It looked utterly ridiculous but what I saw stifled my laughter.

According to her file she was a normal woman just three days ago, but this! This shouldn’t be possible. I turned away to the laptop and alt-tabbed, skimming every file George had sent but found nothing of note.

I turned back not believing my eyes.

Taped to her inner thigh was a massive cock, even by Project: M standards. Not only that but she had switchbacked the shaft UP her leg with extra tape. Her dick wasn’t a 7inch pole, it was a 14 inch monster.

Attached was the largest condom I had ever seen and completely filled.

‘Please lean back.' my mind was racing,' I need the camera to have a good view so my Staff can review later. Yes raise your legs so they’re out of the way.’

As she did the root of the problem, slick with sweat came into view. 
Her testes were each larger than a small avocado. No wonder she was going insane. 

’They said it would take weeks, guuh,’ a thick spurt came out before she resumed,’to get this big, if I ever did.’

‘They are right, this shouldn’t be possible in 3 day period.’ I rubbed my chin unsympathetic to her distress,’Your body must be something special, why you could go farther beyond all the others.’

‘Please, make it stop please please!’ she took a large gulp, ‘I’ve done things, to others who trusted me.’ hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

‘Oh that’s right, you were a camp counselor.’

‘For 48 hours! I-I couldn’t help myself. I ran out of condoms, so I went into the woods. One of the counselors found me though! I-I lost it! I can’t go home, the police, I’m sure she’s called them by now after what I did to her!’

‘I wasn’t gentle either, I didn’t want to be! Who am I becoming, what’s wrong with my brain?’

I ignored her pleas and was now jotting down notes.

‘How much is your output?’

“My what?’

‘Your semen output?’

‘I-I don’t know, I brought 6 condoms to camp, but once I fled I picked up more.’

‘Excellent! Excellent!’ I muttered breathlessly, my hand scribbling over the notepad.

‘Are you going to help me?’

‘Help you? My girl you don’t realize how important you are. You’ve just made my career. I have to share this with the Corporate today, and your coming with me’

I immediately called George and told him to get his ass down to Arizona. RO-13-201 began crying again, but I hardly gave it any notice.

‘I’m going out to pickup some clothes for you, stay here you understand?’

‘What is going to happen to me? My life is over and all you care about is parading me around in front of some assholes?’

‘Your old life is over. You are now property of PROJECT: MATRIARCH. We will provide you with everything you ever need as long as you co-operate, including the possibility of re-integrating into socety under an alias.’


‘Yes really, now get yourself together while I’m out. If it helps speed things along you can begin picking out women you like from a catalogue on my laptop.’

I closed the door, but heard a loud moan followed by a SPLAT’ and ‘Fuck!’

Note to self: pickup extra condoms for RO-13-201 and call housekeeping.


  1. 😍😍😍 well talk I'm sure it's going to take a few hours to empty that monster😈😍


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