Double Feature: Val and her sister Abbey

Had a lot of fun making this one, hope you enjoy. 


Jason tore through his room in a flurry. There was no way he misplaced the pills before he arrived at the Airbnb. Did they fall out of his bag before he left?

‘Jason are you coming down?’

‘Yeah gimme a minute!’

He was screwed! He lifted an entire vial of  pills from the lab and was supposed to make the exchange tonight! If his manager found out his vacation was a ruse, he wouldn’t just lose his job he would be blacklisted! He would never be allowed near a lab again or would be relegated to menial tasks for the rest of his life.

‘Jason we have something to show you!’

Jason slapped his cheeks and hit the mental ‘reset’ before decending the stairs. He would spend the day with his girlfriend and her intolerable little sister as planned. At night he will resume his search beginning with the car.

Jason stepped onto the porch and To his surprise the girls were in their swimsuits. Jason had been dating Val for three years at this point, and her slim, tanned figure never ceased to amaze even when hidden in a conservative blue two piece suit. He felt lucky that she was just as in love with his muscles as he was with her body. 

To her left was Abbey, her petite sister who was the exact opposite. She was thin, pale and goth emo? Jason didn’t care. She sported a bright yellow bikini which clashed with her dark makeup and choker. The loud tones really fit her ‘hey look at me’ personality. 

Despite Jasons feelings towards her, he had insisted on Val bringing her along. More people meant more of an alibi to make the ‘vacation’ more believable should he be accused of selling trade secrets.

‘We heading to the lake? The sun is already setting…’

‘Oh no Jason.,’ giggled Abbey ,’We wanted to take this for a spin.’

In her small hand she shook the bottle of missing pills.

‘Where did you find those? Those are min and they are dangerous Abbey so hand it here..’

‘Really Jason? They look a lot like something from work!’ spoke up Val, ‘If Abbey hadn’t shown me the bottle I wouldn’t have believed it, but she was right! You are planning on selling this to a competitor aren’t you!’

Jason shot an angry glare at Abbey. The pipsqueak blonde always had a combative attitude, but now this was personal.

Abbey took a step forward, and you had to restrain yourself from doing something rash.

‘Are you insane?!’ Abbey said,’I thought you wanted to have a good career.’

Jason ignored the question and despite Abbey being in his face, he used his considerable size to easily step around her, almost knocking her over to get to Val.

‘I-I was doing it for us Val.’

‘No Jason, you were doing it for yourself. We make plenty of money, it just isn’t enough is it. That attitude could have destroyed  all of our future plans and made us accomplices in your crimes.’

‘Accomplices?’ Jason pauses for the first time since he made the decision to sell the pill samples.

Jason was a big man, built as a linebacker. He stood head over shoulders over both these women like an immovable object.

But he wasn’t exuding the attitude of the angry boyfriend anymore. Val’s words  had struck a cord. It made him feel very very  small. 

He fell back into a cutioned patio chair, as he processed her words. It squeaked comically trying to support his weight.

‘You-your right.’ he croacked,’What was I thinking? I need to return them at once before I do anymore damage. If they find out, I need to beg for my job.’

Jason extended his hand for the pills, and Abbey obliging put the plastic container in his palm, but something  felt off to Jason. 

It was too light.

‘I appreciate the apology Jason, but we both decided you need to respect us more. No more cowboy antics.’

In a frenzy Jason tore of the childproof twist cap. It was empty.

‘Good God Val, what did you do?’

Abbey giggled, ‘We took them, six for her and six for me!’

‘You did what?!’

‘Truth is baby, I realized years ago that I didn’t just love your muscles.’ spoke up Val,’ I realized I wanted, no needed them!’

The small women began buckling over as the military grade super steroid coursed through their bloodstream.

‘Guh-so good!’ 

Vals legs shook as a dark spot in her bikini bottom widened.

Abbey on the other hand was mentally gone for a brief second her eyes rolling in the back. Then as if snapping back to reality her eyes shot ope.

‘Ah- ah GUUU-’ Abbey babbled unable to articulate herself.

Wave after wave of a massive orgasim rocked the petite girls body.

Jason was visibly sweating as what began as a wet spot on her yellow bottoms began to push through.

Dribbling strand of she cum caked her inner thighs. Then the first thick goop of she cum began bubbling through the fabric, and as it fell, another followed and then another. Rapidly a puddle was growing between her shaky ankles.

Abbey made eye contact with Jason and and shot him a huge braces filled grin.

‘Ha...ha ..that-that was a big load fuuuck.’

‘My little sister can pre cum bigger loads than you Jason huh—‘ Val bucked her hips, ‘So fucking hot’

This was wrong Jason was thinking, a nightmare. Still he couldn’t hide is 12in erection which also made this very confusing for him.

‘You like watching my little sister cum?’ Val teased

Jason focused his attention back to Val as body began tensing as she entered stage two.

‘I wonder how much you’ll like her— when she is more fucking jacked then you RAHHH!!’ her voice dropped an octave.

Val’s body erupted in every direction. Jason gulped as he could audibly hear the tearing fibers as his girlfriend encouraged fitness—no figure level size.

Abbey on the other hand was hunched over, her body struggling to buck upwards.Jason grew concerned as he knew what she was doing.

‘Abbey.. Abbey look at me.’ He kneeled down and tilted her head as her body continued to spasm.

‘I’m sorry Jason, it hurts, it hurts!’

Tears streamed down Abbey’s face. She grimaced in pain while a constant stream of drool pushed past her braces making it hard for her to speak. Jason looked over at his girlfriend Val for assistance, but she was lost in bliss. Val was now rivaling a steroid infused bodybuilder in size.

Abbey body must be having an adverse reaction that Val isn’t experiencing. For obvious reasons his company never tested on anyone under 21.

‘Abbey listen, you can’t fight it now okay you’ll hurt yourself.’

‘I’m scared its too-much, I can’t control it.’

Jason grabbed her shoulders getting closer. He could feel the fibers dancing underneath his hands, demanding release. On his knees, her she cum splatted his shorts as her pussy continued to gush while they spoke.

It was all very distracting, but he didn’t break his gaze. Abbey needed him to be supportive right now.

‘You have to let go.’

Jason barley had a moment to leap back before her head shot up and she bellowed a roar several octaves deeper than Vals own.

Her body was twisting and contorting, optimizing for domination. Immediately a four pack appeared and her breathing only intensified as if she was having a panic attack.

‘Guh! Gahhhh!’

Her fragile frame ballooned, catching up Val’s previous ‘fitness’ level in mere seconds before surpassing it.

Biceps rose to 12”, 13”, 16”,21” all the while long,squiggling veins cashed up and down her body. She now sported forearms that on equal footing with Jason’s. Simultaneously the 18 year olds implants became apparent as her breast fat disappeared. Like tectonic plates, her slabs of pectoral meat were now shifting, gradually pushing the implants to opposite ends of her gigantic ribcage as the fibers punched out underneath.

She began grunting like as her traps and neck thickened and arced outwards. Her bull dog neck threatened to destroy her chocker, but miraculously the groaning leather strap held.

’Tooo much it too much!’ she  turned her back to Jason and grabbed hold of balcony for dear life. Her wide muscular back was a writhing mass of power.

Jason mouth as the violent mutation only intensified.

Wing shapped lats expanded outwards, shoving her cannon arms out from her body. The remaining tensil strength of her bikini top was being tested now as it dug into her flesh, being pulled in all three dimensions by her rapid growth. Meanwhile her inner back undulated in and out as each individual back muscle groups fought for space. Her back resembled a huge shield, a wall of god like strength.

Jason’s eyes drifted lower and he noted that her thong had been swallowed whole by the monster glutes which were the size of his head. The bloated orbs began sporting small dimples as her hamstrings and calves kept pace. 

Her calves were now 18 inches, wider than Jason’s own and sported thick roping veins that crescendoed into her feet.


Abbey bellow signaled another orgasim as a torrent of she cum pushed past her still intact bikini bottom. Not that Jason could see that. She was so jacked she no longer possessed the inner thigh gap she had earlier. 

Instead what Jason witnessed was the flood of juices bursting forth from between her glutes and legs. It cascaded all over her hamstrings and quads, the thick ropes hitting the deck and her feet.

I’m a fucking beast.’

Jason turned his head to Val who was nearing the end of her growth spurt. While not as vascular, she had put on incredible size and was currently slightly larger than her little sister, who only moments ago, had eclipsed Val.

Not possessing implants, her chest continued to change shape under the blue top as that fat was converted into pure pec meat.

Jason’s girlfriend had titanic shoulders that could no longer be called deltoids in their current state. Thick pauldrons that were those of a small pumpkin now crowned her arms. Underneath it her 22” biceps jumped up and down as she playfully flexed the thick vein on it’s head.

‘Fuck this power is amazing.’ Val moaned in a husky low tone,’ Shit Abbey your bigger than my boyfriend.’

The ‘little’ sister had recovered from her third orgasim and stood shamelessly before Jason. In the time Jason had turned his attention to Val, Abbey’s body had closed the size gap.

The two women had in minutes, become apex predators. They now sported steroid fueled physiques that rivaled world class male bodybuilders. While Val had thick powerful curves, the effects of the drug were much more terrifying on Abbey. She was significantly more vascular than her older sister and was still slowly growing as she stood. If they trained, the juice would probably allow them to double, no triple their size over time as the effects wre permanent.

’Bigger than Jason? Not like that means anything now! Hahaha’ Abbey grunted flexing her pecs invidually.

‘You-you both are monsters.’ Jason said breathlessly.

‘Oh?’ Val mused,’-but your so hard.’

Jason’s erection was throbbing. While he could never match his virulent girlfriend or her little sister, a respectable amount of pre-cum now darkened his shorts as his foot long monster throbbed.

‘If we’re monsters right now Jason, I wonder what will happen when you bring us more pills?’ Val continued

‘More?’ Jason croaked

‘More! More!’ Abbey giggled, ‘but first, I want to share this gift with you Jason! I want you to understand my POWER!’

The goth began to crunch her abs. Jason couldn’t believe his eyes was she growing more.

‘You told me to embrace it, guuuh…now you have to do the same slave….guuuuh!’

Her massive six pack began bloating, pushing out.They continued to grow distending outwards.


The goth roared in delight as her belly arced out farther and farther. The thick bricks now matched Val’s shoulders in freakiness.  Abbey was literally pregnant with muscle.

God had never intended this girl to have this much power, but the drug had awoken something in the goth that it hadn’t in Val, a primal strand of DNA perhaps? A power that existed in all women should they full commit themselves?

Abbey’s eyes were as wide as saucers ,’Fuck Val, Jason looks so terrified its making my god damn pussy melt.’

She grinned her braces showing,’I gotta fuck your boyfriend. I gotta fuck him hard. Fuck him into the ground and stare in his eyes as my pussy sucks his seed out of his dick.’

Jason gulped audibly. The mountain of sinewy flesh in front of him eyed him like a predator would, transfixed. 

‘Okay..but I get to watch.’ Val said licking her lips.

“Don’t I get say!?’ Jason exclaimed.

‘NO!’ they said in unison.

He attempted to protest, but before he could Abbey had shoved her fingers in his mouth and began massaging his package. As her powerful fingers explored his mouth the goth unzipped his fly.

He craned his neck in time to see her mutant 6 inch tongue push past her braces.

Val had begun playing with her new 5 inch clit, it was erect, and growing? Val was locking eyes with Jason. 

He then thought to himself…maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
