Old Work: Evolved


Before you could stop her, the 18 year old plunged the syringe in.

Abby doubled over, yelping as the serum began causing her lower half to mutate. Her pussy mound was now bulging in every direction, thick juices hitting the ground. It looked as if snakes as thick as your arm were coiling in her abs.

'Oh fuck, I-what's happenaaaah!

The first of her fourteen inch cocks pushed through with little regard for it's owner.

'It hurts oh fuck.'

The other two plunged outwards causing Abbey's eyes to rollback in her head as all three slapped against her inner thighs. Mumbling in ecstasy, she let out a gasp.

An ominous bulge had formed in her stomach, easily the size of a softball. It worked to her core only to disappear at the base of her shafts. The cocks throbbed with her pulse, offset slightly.

'Guahh ohh.' her mind was flooded with hormones and she could no longer articulate the changes she felt.

You looked in disgust as the softball from earlier reappeared and descended under her dicks filling out a large sack.

'No. More. No no.'

Abbey was semi-lucid, fighting the serum. She stumbled back onto the massage table for support as her legs wobbled, massive cocks slapping again. Her head reeled back as another change began. Three more softballs descended, fighting to fit into the narrow passage leading to her sack.

'Fuck fuck fuck!

They piled in with an audible squelch and Abbey began to stand, and writhe as if in great pain.

'It worked. Guuh, I can feel my sack, it wants to feed me.'

At this point you know she had been drivin insane, but you cant look away as her four testicals begin shifting.


Abbey skinny body became dense with the muscle of a fitness star as fibers flared. Her bodyfat dropped revealing trim core and diamond calves. obliques came into view and forearms thickened.

'Hahaha it worked look at me.' Abbey was drooling at the mouth as she cupped a testicle in her palm. 'With four of these, I'll become a muscle god in weeks. In a month
i'll be a monster.'

'Now where were we?'

Her limp cocks bucked and let loose four strands of pre.

'Hmm, Dave where are yooou.'

You didn't see any of that because you were already sprinting to the garage. Step one find a cure. If Step one fails, start Step 2, invent a mutagen that will allow a human to not be disembowled by one of Abbey spears.
